Vision & Mission


1. Overall Vision

By 2035, become an outstanding study program in advancing knowledge and technology in the field of architecture and shaping "Manusia Jaya" as lifelong learners, dignified, broad-minded, highly competitive, environmentally conscious, and pioneers of welfare in Southeast Asia.

2. Scientific Vision

Developing environmentally conscious architectural science based on knowledge and technology.


1. Implementing the Three Pillars of Higher Education professionally and adhering to principles in the field of architecture.
2. Providing quality education in the field of architecture.
3. Building a research culture towards achieving UPJ as a research university in the field of architecture.
4. Actively participating in community service activities that are useful in the field of architecture.
5. Shaping "Manusia Jaya" as lifelong learners with noble behavior and high competitiveness, through the application of Jaya Values and the basic scientific pattern of UPJ in the field of architecture.
6. Collaborating through national and international partnerships to achieve comparative excellence in the field of architecture.


1. Establishing an excellent study program in governance, academic programs, and competitive curriculum in the field of architecture, capable of competing with other universities in Southeast Asia.
2. Creating an academic atmosphere and academic culture in the field of architecture as a research university.
3. Producing superior knowledge, technology, and art in the field of urban lifestyle and urban development in architecture.
4. Producing lifelong learners with a high curiosity, logical and critical thinking, actively applying their knowledge in the field of architecture.
5. Producing dignified and broad-minded graduates, creative, innovative, responsive to change, and making a real contribution to addressing environmental and welfare issues in the field of architecture.
6. Accelerating UPJ's comparative excellence through synergy and collaboration in the field of architecture.


1. Increasing the quality and quantity of faculty and students in the field of architecture.
2. Enhancing the relevance and quality of learning in the field of architecture.
3. Increasing the capacity for innovation, quality, and productivity of research and community service, as well as becoming a center of excellence at the university in the field of architecture.
4. Increasing the quantity and quality of partnerships with institutions in the field of architecture.
5. Strengthening good university governance in the field of architecture.


The achievement strategies for the objectives are developed based on a systematic analysis as outlined in the Strategic Plan for the Architecture Study Program document.